THIS IS IMPORTANT #1: Take Back the Narrative (Ongoing Action) by Andrea Hairston

THIS IS IMPORTANT is a new zine series from Burn This Press.

Issue #1 (December 2016) is Take Back the Narrative (Ongoing Action) by Andrea Hairston, playwright, novelist, and director. Take Back the Narrative was published originally on the Aqueduct Press blog, Ambling Along the Aqueduct and is reprinted as a zine with the author’s permission.

Here is a PDF of the zine! It is meant to be printed as a two-sided page, then cut along the long axis of the page. Then collate it, fold, and staple across the short edge.

Download the PDF(254K): THIS IS IMPORTANT #1

Thanks to Laura Henry for layout. And, homage to poet, rabble rouser, and bullshit artist F.A. Nettelbeck for his original THIS IS IMPORTANT zine series. I figure he would not roll over too hard in his grave if he heard I was ripping off his zine title.

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